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Tomoyuki Niga was born in Osaka, Japan in 1989. He graduated with a Bachelor of music in composition at Kunitachi College of Music in Tokyo. After studying at the Cambridge School of Visual Performing Arts, he has been studying at the Trinity Laban Conservatoire Music and Dance in London since 2014 (currently in Postgraduate Advanced Diploma course). He is under the tuition of Thomas Meyer-Fiebig, Kazunori Maruyama and Shohei Shimizu in Japan and Ian Dickson, Douglas Finch, Sam Hayden, John Thomas and Nye Parry in the UK. He is involved in many projects and competitions internally and externally at the college and he is passionate about integrating different forms of the arts, such as choreography and visual arts. 

1989年大阪出身。国立音楽大学音楽文化デザイン学科卒業。イギリス、ケンブリッジのCambridge School of Visual Performing Artsを経て現在ロンドン、グリニッジのTrinity Laban Music and Dance Conservator、Postgraudate Advanced Diplomaコース在学中。イギリス留学中、多くの創作の機会に恵まれ、アニメーター、ダンザー、デザイナーなど多岐にわたる分野のクリエイター達とのコラボレーションを数多く行う。学内外のコンペティション、プロジェクトや委嘱作品、演奏会等に向け、精力的に作曲活動を行っている。これまでに日本で作曲をThomas Meyer-Fiebig、丸山和範、清水庄平、またイギリスではIan Dickson, Douglas Finch and Sam Hayden, and John Thomas, Nye Parryの各氏に師事した。

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